today is a very boring day...
oh well,at least i went to the dentist...scalling..hahaha...ngilu oh when the dentist scale my teeth..haha..
and then i thought about asking them about taking medical course..
u know what,i like asking people opinions cause i'm afraid making the wrong decision..
imagine,they ask me to take dentistry rather than medical course..
oh my,but then i'm still determine in taking medical course..
just hope for the best in my SPM results...so scared...heheheh...
i still want to be a doctor..gynaechologists n obstetric(if the spelling is correct..hehe)...
well,i got high hopes on being a doctor..it's my dream..i can't think of other course except this..hehehe...but then actually there is..an archeologists...
i just hope i pass my SPM with flying colours..10A1 in my hands...amin..
Ya ALLAH,please give me an excellent results in my SPM..amin...
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