
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Complicated things in life

when reading this post,i bet you would think tht...
"whoa,sejak bla plak fara pandai berjiwang ne??"
nda la...
what things tht come out through my mind,i thought it's better to express it here..
for every people's sake..
like i've told you all b4..
take whatever you think beneficial in my blog,leave the bad things..
i'm just human in any way that i like to express my feelings anytime,anywhere(opps!tmpt yg ada internet jak la...ahaha)

okla,base on my post title tu kn,what i'm trying to tell u tht humans relationship/feelings are soo complicated..
my god,i couldn't figure it out why is it soo complicated..
is it the human who make things complicated or love is just the soo-called-complicated-thingy..
i just don't understand..
but then after my observation,mmg confirm la human yg complicated..
dunno why but humans are very complicated..
dr segi ciptaannya...from the cells to the organs..
not just tht,personality pun complicated..
mood swings,feelings change..
i just dunno..

maybe it's true,itulah kehebatan ciptaan ALLAH..
like me for example:suka tgk lelaki ensem...ahahaha...
especially yg tinggi..kahkahkah...kdg2 terpikir jua aku,cmnala rupa future husband aku ah??
hehe..(ermm,nmpknya part ini xda berkaitan dgn tujuan post aku yg sbnr...sj2..)

Besides tht,human ne klu bab2 meluahkn feelings,ada yg egomaniac la what-so-ever attitude lg yg x msk akal..
i just don't understand..
does it mean i'm ketinggalan zaman????
i dun think so..
i admit i never been truly in love la...
setakat cinta monyet tu..wuii,nda terkira..bykla..kahkahkah..
bercinta pun nda prnh..
but i believe nnt ada jugak tu...
ingat ayat al-Quran

"Perempuan2 yg keji utk laki2 yg keji,&laki2 yg keji utk perempuan yg keji(pula),sdgkn perempuan2 baik utk laki2 baik,& laki2 baik utk perempuan yg baik(pula).Mrk itu bersih dr pa yg dtuduhkn org.Mrk memperoleh ampunan & rezeki mulia di syurga."

nda pyhla mo jeles2 sm org kapel2 ne..
kita mo redha ALLAH...
bkn manusia..
hidup sekali jak..
Hidup pun actually kerana ALLAH..
manusia jak lupa..
aku pun lupa..(dun forget,i'm human too..)
Actually,tiap detik kita bernafas pun adlh kerana ALLAH...

Nyway,just live life happily...
yg blum jumpa your soul/life partner..
dun worry,u got ALLAH..
yg sdh ada tu,drpd berkepit2 sn,berkepit2 sini..drpd trus bt dosa tu,bgs kawen awal2..(klu berkemampuan la...klu blum rs dpt kc mkn anak urg,bgs nda pyh...puasa ka,+ amal ibdt ka..anything yg bkn tergolong dlm maksiat..)
lgpun,kawen dpt menyempurnakan separuh drpd amal ibadat kita...
apa2 yg kita bt(amal ibadah) digandakan..
bknkah ALLAH tu MAHA ADIL...

wallahualam.MAB(May ALLAH bless)


JUST STAY said...

yo yo..welcome back..( style woo bin kedua)
wakakaka.. ini posting mcm aku tau2 jak bertitik tolak dari kes kawan aku yang tersemangat maw kasi express d blog ni kan rang? hahahha..
..lelaki tinggi..pilihan farahin
andrewson a.k.a Islamabad...hahahha pointless..

rangjey said...

aikk???pandai ko teka...
mmg kwn ku yg hebat...