happy2 day...
mmg bestla jua..
pg simpang mengayau..

there was a lot of things we found there..
imean,we went to one gerai near KB ba..
byk mknn yg dia jual.nasib aku tidak tergoda dgn mknn yg begitu byk..harhar..

tym tgk2 mknn sn,tiba2 aku terjumpa sagu yg main mkn tu...
i dunno what's the name..
dlu tym skul rndh slalu jua mkn..
sempat lg aku ambik gmbr tym mkn...heheh..

femes plak aku ni..hihi..

like the picture u see below,was the first one we saw in kudat...
second we saw on the way to KM..
and the third tym di menggatal sn..
adeih,ganas eh skrg rg driving...
reckless tul..
nmpk tu gmbr below,uish keta terbalik oo...

tym we stop by in KB mo solat jamak taqdim(maghrib isyak)
we saw lots of kids ba bljar mengaji sn masjid..
we heard one kid tu,duii..
punya lawa suara dia tarannum..
what more to say the ustaz yg ajar dia tu...
hampir ku tergoda dgn bacaan qurannya yg begitu merdu n syahdu sekali..
mmg bgs la gtu ba
tht kid use his beautiful voice for reciting the holy QURAN not for singing lagu yg ndada tu..hiburan yg lgsg x menambah pahala.....
tyerdetik plak d hati aku mo kc bgs lg tarannum aku yg terumbang-ambing tu..
ba,tu jakla..
lazy ba menaip skrg..
br jak abis kc bersih dapur..
wallahualam.May ALLAH bless
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