
Monday, July 20, 2009

at home at lassst.....

well,as u see.
i'm home...
about the mesir thingy,i guess i forgotten bout it..
mls mo pikir..
to be honest too,i kinda like in matriks...
not bcoz of what,but becoz tht i met many friends tht made me remind of ALLAH...
insya-ALLAH nda kan tersimpang jauh dr landasannya..
plus,i think ALLAH has prepare sumthin' better for me in the future..
maybe MESIR is not the best solution..
ALLAH knows best...
"Jika kamu meneguhkan agama ALLAH,nescaya ALLAH akn meneguhkan kedudukn kamu d muka bumi"
(surah Muhammad:7)
tht's all for now...
lot's stories to tell but soo little tym n mls menaip..ahahah..