i got my first tag from kak yann...hehe...
i got my first tag from kak yann...hehe...
yala..blum aktif lg blog aku ne scr keseluruhan...
at least follower pun bertambah jugak..hehe..
nyway,kak yann..i'm gonna answer this tag...
Okay, here’s the rule: Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.
Okay, here’s the rule: Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.
i'm gonna be 18 this 20 APRIL..jd,argh!!takut...
melangkah ke dunia yg lebih mencabar dan matang...
but then,i'm always gonna be young...hehe...sweet 18..

-places i'd like to visit-
i would like to visit tmpt yg ada snow....hehe..my feveret place..

n also tempat yg ada byk historical places....

-a favourite place-
ntahla....aku pun x tau sgt psal favourite place aku ne...
simpang mengayau kali..ahahah...ntahla....aku pun x tau sgt psal favourite place aku ne...

cnela jugak tmpt aku jatuh akibat batu yg ada lumut tu..ngam2 ada ombak lg tu..haha..bsh trus baju..my frens pun kc ketawa...
a very reminisce place...hehe
-a favourite food-
my one n only...CHOCOLATE...hehe...
my one n only...CHOCOLATE...hehe...
chocolate ice-cream...chocolate cake..anything with chocolate..
luv it...i can eat chocolate alone...without sharing..
mungkin tu la jugak penyebab aku ne mmg 'comel' orgnya..ahahah...

-a favourite thing-
i like SHOES...especially heels...
i like SHOES...especially heels...
i would want to have a rack full of shoes 1 day..hehe...

-nick name i had-
my nickname nmpk ganas la jugak...
my nickname nmpk ganas la jugak...
bcoz my frens call me PARANG..hehe...
-a favourite colour-
i'm a PURPLE lover....hehe...
i'm a PURPLE lover....hehe...

-college major-
i'm not in college yet but going to...
n INSYA-ALLAH..i'm taking medicine...

-name of my love-
my love??ahaha..blum lg la..i'm still single...
maybe there is one,cinta hakiki..

i like novels...
i like novels...

-a bad habit-
i like to sleep...tym skul dulu habit aku mmg slalu tido dlm klas...sampai kena pelempang cikgu..hehe...tp itu tym nda pandai cover..hehe..

-my wishlist-
just have a happy life with my family..surely i wanna meet my mr. right guy..ehehe...
just have a happy life with my family..surely i wanna meet my mr. right guy..ehehe...

n become slim..ahaha...

7 people i want to tag..ermm...
1. wawa
7. dunno
nda tau lg sepa mo tag....
tag da jwb? bgus2....=p
anyway, u can call him abg azry la...juz like fatin~=p
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