mungkin psal malas menaip kali...
malay lg byk short words...heheh..
besides,i'm proud to be Malaysian...heheheh...
aku dh lama x menulis blog ne...
well,internet connection problem...
kdg2 teringat2 la aku tym skul dulu2...
klu tym skrg ne mmg aku tgh skul lg...
yup,tym klas...hehehe...
kepala aku tgh angguk2 dah...hahaha...tidola tu dlm kelas...
rindu plak tym ingat balik...
miss my frens..
miss my school mls pakai baju skul,to be iron..heheh..
klu tgk pictures of them...nmpknya rindu semakin menggunung...hehe...

actually byk lg nntla upload..hehe..
ba,idup ngan drg under one roof sdh 5 thn...thay r like family sdh..hehe..
mkn pun share2...hihihi...
now??we all dah bwk life ke haluan masing2....T.T..sedey!!...
p/s : ceh,aku ne..tetiba plak emo...hihihi..
sad jugak ur music ni farah...hehe
aku bencila lagu kau ni...bikin nangis aku baca blog kau jak.....ceh...benci ni.....
best ba music dia tp terlampau sad plak..
nnt terlebih emo..hehe...
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